Join Us For This Free Event

A Creativity Roundtable

Sunday, September 17, 2006

12:30 to 2:00 pm

In the living room at ANTLERS, housed in the historic Woods Mansion

2501 South Street
on the southwest corner of Sheridan and South Streets

Join Duke Engel and Kelly Madigan Erlandson
as we explore the nature of creativity,
its role in our lives,
and how we can access our creative core.

We will lead a brief creativity exercise, followed
by open group discussion which may include:

  • barriers to living creatively
  • interesting life paths we can use as models
  • techniques for getting yourself “unstuck”
  • important lifestyle issues for creative people

Plan to attend and add your thoughts and questions to this free, roundtable discussion. Please e-mail Kelly to say you are coming so we can plan for the appropriate number of guests: